Wednesday 6 August 2014

The notes

I'm a curious person. When coming to people's houses, I'd like look at their working desks, seeing the stuff they have, the books they read, seeing how they arrange their works and lives, and somehow, knowing more about their personalities, their motivations. Guess what I like the most on strange desks? The notes.

Many people put notes or memos on their desks, on the bookshelves, or on nearby walls. A friend of mine hangs a big picture of Bruce Lee on the wall with his famous quote: "Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one". On his desk, there are notes about his stock market investment: "Three questions: When, Where, and How much profit?", or "Concentrating and Being serious in Study and Investment". He is a well organized man, although he lives alone, his house is fully equipped, neat and tidy. But he is lonely inside, his wifi password shows: emptiness. He is longing for someone to love.

My cousin, surprisingly, has many notes on his wall. "Waking up early to meditate and exercise", "Study, Read Book, No Games", "Wash the clothes right after Bath". He has been a troublesome guy, a black sheep of the family. He joined football betting and lost many motorbikes and money in it, he neglected his study and graduated late, he went to work for some companies and quit after a few months, claiming the companies to be problematic or the jobs to be tiring. I used to admire him when we were small, he was a talent boy then, very smart and gifted at painting. Everybody used to tell that he would grow up being a successful person. But he destroyed his youth in video games and betting. Now he has a decent job, in a big construction company. And he is trying to take control of his life.

And these are the memos I found on my guitar teacher's desk (I don't dig for notes, people just show them out): "Be thrifty with your time. Saving every minute. Time is precious" (I like that), "Fully concentrate, be mindful and conscious each moment in life", "Effective and Efficient". He is a special man, knowledgeable and erudite, going to reap the seeds he sew.

I got no notes on my desk. Actually, I only have a small table to put my laptop on, a yoga mat to sit on and sleep on and work out on, and piles of books and notebooks around. That's all for my working corner. You'll see nothing looking at that (smiling).

You know what I found seeing other people's notes. There is a thought, strikes inside my head. That if people live up to what they're meant to be, if they can manage to bring out the best of their talents, if they can stay true with their notes, then they will lead the life they desire, and have all they wish. The same for me. If I can do what I ask myself to do, then soon I will be the person that I've ever wanted, writing, traveling, inspiring. Again, the point is self - discipline. 

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