Thursday 28 August 2014

Just a day in August

It's been a while since my last post here. The internet in my house had problem last week. They didn't fix it until yesterday. One week. During the time, there were many times ideas came to me and I wanted to sit down and write. But I thought there was no internet, ah no internet, I couldn't do that. I didn't even think about writing on Words itself. Without internet cannot do anyway, that's what I constantly hear at home and in the office. And we can't do anything really, because we think so. See how life turns out to be with all of the new technologies. It makes us feel more helpless. See if there is no Facebook, no Google, someone must be lost.

I'm glad to say that my boredom at work is over. I've seen quite many people maintaining more than one career. More specifically, many people publish their books while remaining their daytime job. Then if the book comes out as commercially successful, they will give up the job and become a full - time writer. Or they can stay at their first professions for a life time and keep writing their part time hobby. Thanks to my dear friend I had the idea for my first book. It would be about traveling. Thinking if I spend time writing 1,000 words per day, then I can make 180,000 words for 6 months. That would make a fine book. Not to say yet about quality (in fact, I don't think that my writing is worse that traveling writers out there now), just to say about quantity, which I worry the most, it would be fine if I do it persistently and consistently. I don't need to quit my job. And even if I want to do it now, I need some particular time to arrange and make all the work perfect before I leave the company. But again there is no need to do so. I can just keep working, but do it excellently 8 hours a day. And then come home early to work on other tasks, to work for myself. I have 6 hours to sleep, 4 hours miscellaneous chords including traveling for work and cooking. So I should have 5 - 6 hours for myself. But I'm not using it efficiently. If I can make the most of my 24 hours a day, I can achieve any wild dream I have. So again, a reminder to myself. Let's work on that.

There is one thing I need to warn myself here. That is: to focus one thing at a time. Finish it then move to the next one. Not to spread my energy over a dozen of things, and cannot finish anything well. My mom was criticized by doing so many things at a time. So I have to be very careful not to repeat the same mistakes. Because it's a gene thing.

I started reading Tristes Tropiques last weekend. It is not an easy book to read, but very useful one. It helps me to realize my superficiality, how I follow the vain trends about traveling, exploring and cultures. A really good book for travelers, although it doesn't aim at travelers.

Someone told me yesterday: "I couldn't sleep. I went to the Brazilian restaurant. The singer there sang many songs today. But you're not here with me to clap". It made me cry instantly. When I sat down, I thought to write about love. But it hurt so badly that I wanted to change to another thing. But a thought strikes me that it's how life should be. God doesn't care if we're suffering or we're feeling bad or feeling hurt. No one cares actually. They only care when we work our butt off, when we make the change, when we plan and do as our plans. When we really live life to the fullest and impact it with the most positive thing we have.

Keep moving.

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