Thursday 11 September 2014

It's hard, but it's not impossible

The third day into my book project, and I'm dog - tired. My brain moans like a mangy beast when I try to take the words out. It's not that I don't know what to write, it's just exhausted to take the words out. Every other tasks seem to be so easy, my office job, guitar jamming, revising CVs, everything else is easy. Writing the book is the only thing that is damn difficult.

But it's an irony. Isn't it true that all my life I have been dreaming of this time, writing and publishing and get out of the tedious office cubic, living freely with my words and readers, and more importantly, with my true self. I have always believed that if I were born on this world with a mission, then that only mission would be writing. If I can do something to change the world, or to make a significance with my existence on this earth, it would be writing. I find myself fulfilled and excited when I write, when pouring the right words out of my mind and express exactly what I want to say. I want to go around the world and be a storyteller, letting people know how beautiful life is, to share my view, to cherish life and the world. But saying is always simpler than doing.

It was not easy, but not that hard to write, at least until this point of my life. Hence I never thought that it this difficult to write every day, 1,000 days a word, like I commit to myself, like what all other great writers advise.

Day 1, I tried to write whatever came to my mind, 1300 words, thought to edit it later, and it was a mess. I did revise it into a more decent version later, but it took me a lot of time. 

Day 2, I went for quality instead of quantity, doing a lot of research before actually writing. But I couldn't finish 1,000 within 4 - 6 AM in the morning, so I stole some free time during lunch to finish it. Nearly 2,000 words, a complete work.

Day 3, means today, I couldn't make it over 600 words, not good but not bad. Gotta finish it all tonight.

OK Rosie, if you cannot do it, just keep your mouth shut and go back to your dull job. No thorns, no throne; no galls, no glory; no laming, no naming; no struggle, no promised land. So go for it.

I'll change my strategy, balancing between quality and quantity, and do the research the night before maybe, to save time and jump right into writing when I wake up in the morning. Writing down these words make me feel better. Now, get back to the real battle. 


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