Sunday 21 September 2014

One year and work/write balance

I'm 1/3 through the book, confident to say it now. I finished most of the stories throughout South East Asia and now reading the information about each country to write the guiding parts. Just one thing behind the schedule, that I planned to finish editing the Cambodia and Singapore stories last night and moved on to the next, but couldn't. Anyway, it's not so bad and now I have the idea how to to revise the stories then.

My friend helped me to contact another publisher, and I need to send them a draft of my book before the end of next month so they can review it and let me know their feedback. My birthday then, at the end of next month. Gotta write my button off to meet the deadline. Then I can have the best birthday ever, it's all in my hands. The more I write, the more I'm confident about my writing skill and the feasibility of the book. The more I write, the better I feel. Even if it may not be a success, it proves to me that I can, proves to me that the life that I've been wanted but never thought I could reach is real, is possible, with my hard work.

I nearly reach the threshold of 21 days, it's 21 days to build a habit, as always said. From the beginning of September, I've been writing 1,000 words a day, except for yesterday to be precise. I'm comfortable with that, as I can see it now. It's even itchy not to write enough during the day. Writing is a way to reflect myself, to think, to reminisce things and bring new lights to old memories, and somehow it makes my life richer, full of joy and contentment. I never feel this much good since I was born. I've been wondering how other writers can find time to write while they are working, how Khaled Hosseini finished "The kite runner" when he still worked as a doctor. Now I know how. They just do it, saving their time and write. 

This is one year since the date my article about traveling made me famous on Facebook. One year, things have changed since. The girl in my article got a scholarship and begins her first semester in Stanford now, no one remembers the crazy guy who requested to withdraw her book and denounced me, and me, I'm writing my first book. Since that event, I have been known as a Facebooker, an inspirer to some, a mentor, and a story teller. I got many new friends and lost some old friends meanwhile, but glad that my best ones still last. I've been writing more diligently since, and see what brought me: A fulfilled life.

This is also my one year anniversary with yoga. And I'm happier with myself now, thinking about my soul and my God more often. Whenever something goes wrong or not as I expect, I think about my soul, and in the long run, what that would mean to me, and what I should do to make it right. Then things turn out to be ok, as in the long run, petty things disappear, only good attitude and hard work last. So I just focus on what important. And I'm not an angry, moody, hot temper individual that I once was. I'm calmer and more laid back than before, stronger physically and mentally.

And books, I'm more into books now. English books and Vietnamese books, buying and borrowing and lending. Sometimes I just wish to take a day leave and stay home to read. Books bring great pleasure to me. "Too many books, to little time", this quote is just so right. Now I have a bookshelf in my room and building a small library with my mom back in the hometown, for her students.

To sum up, these three things made me a better person for one year: reading, writing, and yoga. See how far they will lead me if I continue this way, guess I will become exactly the person that I wanted to be. Nothing in life is more desirable than that.

Yet I need to note to myself here. Since I notice that I won't feel perfectly ok with myself if I don't work well at my full time job. I must say that I'm fed up with it, 1000 percent. But I can't get rid of it right now. And it is likely that I can never get rid of it. Very few writers can live with their work, especially in Vietnam, where writers are poorly paid, and copyright regulations are still disdained. Many writers still need to stick with their full time jobs to earn their livings. Being new in writing, I cannot expect to live comfortably with it, even if my first book is a big success. So the wise choice is to do well at the official job.

Since I'm no longer into this job, I had a bad attitude and didn't devote my time and energy to work. And it's bad. My bosses look down on me, which I couldn't stand it, my work gets worse, which I don't want it to be, and I can't even quit now if I apply my resignation letter, since there are still many things pending.

What is the best way of this, I already know. Today, I make a promise to myself: work perfectly in the office, and leave early, going home and do my writing. It is to work perfectly in both areas that makes my life balance and good. Writing makes me feel good at home, but doing my job well will make me feel good 8 hours a day at work, I can't neglect any field. And I need to make things right, sowing the right seeds to see the ripe fruits. This is what I will do today: no reading, no Facebooking at work, saving exactly 8 hours and then leave to write. And since today, I will continue it, for 21 days, as what I have done with my writing.

Onward, Rosie.

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