Friday 12 September 2014

For my family

It's been the fifth day into the book. I was writing good yesterday. Feeling good.

I haven't told all about what I'm up to, just family and one close friend. A part of me, I'm not quite sure that I can make it, it's a long term thing and it requests a lot of patience and effort. I haven't been so good at being patient in the recent years, due to lacking of practice, I reckon. But I have reasons to fight for, I have my family, my mom, my grandmother. Mom reminded me that this is our (her and my) life time wish, it's been waiting for so long to come into life. Mom told that I had my grandmother and her courage, but I had more opportunity and more education, I had tools to make our dream come true.

My grandmother, her husband died when she was 20 years old, leaving her alone with 2 children. She lived a simple and frugal life, raising my mom and my uncle with her bare hands. Mom told that everyday she worked from morning to night in her garden, planting and watering vegetables for sale, every day she put an egg from the chickens she raised into the rice pot, eating half in lunch, saving the rest for dinner. Everyday during mom's college time, my grandmother ate that way to save money for her and my uncle's education.

My mom, she has a husband, and he is still alive now. But pretty much the same to my dead grandfather, father didn't help much at home, all the financial burden falls on to mom's shoulder, what he could do was mainly praying. Mom did everything she could to make me and my brother go to college, the best colleges in the country of our professions. She was very hard working, just like my grandmother. But history didn't do her a favor, just like what it did to grandma. These generations spent their lives struggling from war remnants, going through it, didn't have a choice.

But me, the choices are in my hand, the words are in my mind. I just have to put them all out, by order, with emotion. Grandma and mom did their parts in our family's history, now it's my turn to make the history of the family. This is not for money or fame. Apart from love of writing, apart from doing this for my own sake, I do this for my grandma, for mom, and for my future daughter. For them I will fight, diligently, fearlessly.

Onward, Rosie.

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