Friday 5 August 2016

Same old lessons


I met a new friend yesterday. Before meeting him I thought he would be curt and cold but things turned out to be the opposite. He was very nice, kind and considerate and knowledgeable. He studied and worked in the US for five years before moving to Italy to work as a teacher. Since I also have some experience in teaching, we exchanged nice stories about that. He told me some interesting facts about education, a comparison of education between the US and Europe. That was useful, especially when I'm considering pursuing an MFA in the USA.

Meeting him reminds me that I should not judge people so easily based on the way the communicate or look or etc. I imagined him as a different person but then he proved that I was wrong. If I hadn't agreed to meet him, I could have never knew that. More than that, there are something I learned from him. Every person can teach us something, again another old lesson. I learned from the way he communicated, how he commented about things, especially about something he didn't like, or someone he didn't agree with. His communication is perfect, not perfect in a sense that he has excellent communication skill, nor he is a very clever person who uses his skill to impress and take advantage of it like the people I used to see in business context. Perfect because his communication conveys exactly what he wants to say, leaving little room for miscommunication. It brings insight, helping other people understand him better as a person and gives pleasant feelings. And he didn't try to impress, it's just the way he is, the way he thinks and talks. He didn't judge, he didn't easily jump to conclusion and didn't make strong comments to show how important, how right he is. Moderate, thoughtful and rational. It makes me think about myself and what I said to him. I judge things and people so carelessly and I didn't even know it. But it is so common, for me and for the people around. We prefer this to that, this is nice, the other one is not, this person is wrong, the other person is right, etc...  We fall on different poles. That makes it hard to accept the people who are different from us, or things that are new to our perception.

If I get married, I'd like a husband who possesses this quality of the new friend. A nice quality that he has. A nice guy.


Yesterday I pondered and I came to know why I got disappointed with myself lately. Same old thing, as my friend said before. It's because I committed to do something, so many things, but I didn't do as much as I wanted. I didn't work as hard and effectively as I wanted. I failed to keep the promises I made to myself. That's why I felt tired, lost and empty. Again it reminds me that overcoming myself and trying to live up to my own expectation is the hardest thing to do. And it's the only thing I need to do. I don't need to please anyone or live up to anyone's standard. I myself is the strictest judge. If I don't do well enough, I won't feel good. Even if other people tell that I did a good job, but I know I haven't tried as hard as I can, then I also can't feel satisfied. And even if other people don't think that I did well, but I'm content, then that's more than enough.

So there is only one thing I need to do to get out of this situation. Beat procrastination and work more to achieve this year's objectives.


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